Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Now that Amelia has a blog of our own, up and running, I thought I'd post a few pictures of our new house. If you hadn't guessed already...it is in the "island" area. The first photo is from the front of our cul-de-sac LeRuisseau.

Above: The front of the house.

Views of our back yard and looking west from the yard to the temple.

Also in the backyard is a nice canal that brings ducks to our porch for bread snacks. Fun.

The canal is now dried up for winter...no more ducks.


Abbigail said...

Sweet new house! Congrats! New baby, new house, WAY TO GO!
She is a real doll, I love the aggie cover for the game.
I have a blog too, I am going to link to yours if that is cool.

John said...

Every time I see houses in Utah with their big green lawns, I am jealous. Looks like a nice place, can't wait to see it in person later this month!