Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Vernal, Baby!

I'm loving life ever since Paul sold his lawn business and we can actually leave town for longer than one day at a time. It has allowed our family to be able to travel to such places as Las Vegas, St. George, Bear Lake and VERNAL! We went to visit Dave and Shelby Gilliatt over UEA weekend. We had a great time going to the park, talking, going to the other park, visiting some more, and eating at the "Country Grub". I think we all filled our yearly quota of grease. Their two year old, Allie, had so much fun with Franny. She'll be a great older sister (any day now).
I just have to say that I had never been to Vernal, but It was a really pretty town with lots of farmland. Not Shelby's cup of tea, but they're really enjoying it there.

Paul teaching Franny and Allie how to frolic in the leaves

Yes. That is an eye behind my head.

Dave really pressured us to play on this with him.

This gazebo was salvaged from the old Vernal Tabernacle when it was converted into the temple 10 yeas ago.

Babes and our babes

I bet Dave and Paul never anticipated this moment when they were living on fast food in Manassas six years ago.

Franny just started really loving going down the slide. This girl already has a need for speed.

I couldn't resist these funny shoes. They make everyone laugh. Shelby and I found them in a baby shop in Vernal.



michelle@somedaycrafts said...

Cute shoes! You will always know where she is!!!

amelia and crew said...

Yeah, the other day she was sqeaking around the upstairs when all of the sudden, the squeaking stopped. I found her in the bathroom "cleaning" the toilet with the toilet brush. What a domestic baby.

Ginna Liechty said...

The shoes are a kick. I love them. You definitely will always know where she is, smart shoes. It was so fun seeing you the other day. Lets get together soon.

Nells-Bells said...

i love your new family pics. so cute! i heard you moved. where are you now? we will be moving into our new house on saturday. so excited! sorry i am such a punk and have not called you. you are the coolest. :)