Here are a bunch of non-chronologically ordered pictures taken since Christmas. Sorry that they have no rhyme or reason. Time has really been flying and we're having a lot of fun. Franny is 2 and 1/2. She loves singing and dancing. She often yells at me, "Mom! Come dance with me!". She is obsessed with the movie Robin Hood. I bought it, not remembering how seriously violent it is. She'll find anything to use as a sword and yell "Ooo-de-lally!" or she'll find anything to wrap around her head as a scarf to be Maid Marian. She loves her little brother. The first thing she does in the morning is run to his room and say, "A-Goo!" Then she comes to my room and says, "Where's my dad?" I often hear her explaining things to him. "Paul is your daddy and Ameria is your mommy." She makes Holland laugh all day. She's also obsessed with the difference between "real" food and "treats". "Are carrots real food? chocolate a treat?... Are french fries real food or a treat?" "At the store, they are a treat. At home, they are real". Hmm. That's not confusing. I could go on about all the funny things she does and says, but all of you that have had a two-year-old know how fun and challenging it is.
Baby animal days
Baby animal days

Holland is a bit less complicated. He's almost 9 months old. He smiles and laughs a lot. Crawls around a lot. Bonks his head a lot. Plays with toys. Puts everything in his mouth. (A week ago a "helicopter" seed came out in his poop...totally in tact!) Loves wagon rides. Loves to be in the backpack. Loves his mama. Loves to nurse.
Big smile with four teeth!

After watching Little Einsteins, she wanted a violin, so Paul found this ornament for her. She's pretty good.
Franny sings
Glad to see you guys are still alive! I can't believe Holland is crawling...Gwen not into laying on her tummy at ALL, I think she will walk before she crawls. I hope we can see you guys soon.
Loved the update! It was great to see all the pics from the past few months.
So cute!
good updates- We will be up there for graduation. We want to take our kids to the little zoo at willow park. Are you going to be around?
Yes! We'll be here. That'll be so fun to see you. Give me a call and we'll arrange it. 435-757-8393
You guys have a fun life! It must have taken forever to put up all those pictures and movies, so thank you for doing it. We love staying up with what you're doing.
you look amazing! looks like you have been having loads of fun. it is about time you updated your blog. i am always watching for a new post. ;)
I love the many pictures. I'm sorry I didn't get to baby animal day with you. It looks like you had fun--I especially like the one with Franny on the horse.
Loved all the fun pictures! Thanks for the update :)
We enjoyed all the fun pics. You can really see how much they've changed over the last few months when looking at the pictures all at once. So cute!
is it safe to say you haven't blogged in a while? well, just so you know, i have missed you. when are you going to update? will you update?
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