Tuesday, July 01, 2008

July already!

Hey Everyone! Sorry it's been such a long time. Well, as you can see from these pics, Paul and I haven't been very creative with our camera lately. Here's a quick update on our family and I promise to have way better pics after the 4Th of July.
As for Paul and me, Paul is at work every day at Adams school in the morning and then at Diversified Home Loans most afternoons. Some afternoons he plays with Fran and me. I've been keeping busy trying to work off my gut from having Franny (that's fun!) and reading Stephanie Meyer novels when Franny naps. Paul and I were called a few weeks ago as the new Gospel Principles teachers in our ward. It's been a fun experience so far. We've been trying to take advantage of the summer since we know it will fly by. We've gone to the Farmers Market every Saturday to buy bread (yum!) and we've been taking walks around the neighborhood at night. We love to hang out and BBQ in our backyard and feed the duckies. We love Logan in the Summer.
Franny is now 9 months old and busy as ever! She's been cruising around the living room for a while now with only minor bruising. She loves to give kisses (which always end in a raspberry). She has just recently figured out that she likes Paul and me more than strangers and boy can this girl eat! I've stopped buying baby food and pretty much give her whatever we are eating. Fun! Her favorite treat (when Mom isn't looking) is paper. Why? Who knows? She also is getting very vocal and we're anticipating her first word any day now. She can sign "Leche", so that's a big step since I've been showing it to her for 3 months. She also waves on command now and does "GOAL" by putting both her hands in the air. She still struggles with pat-a cake. Cutie!!

Why, Franny?

People magazine tastes the best

In her new swing

Happy at the pool with Mom, Melissa, Lucy and Grandma Chiq (EE-ma)

A lifeguard offered to hold her still while I snapped a pic. Um, I don't think Franny liked her.

We were trying to trick her into eating meat, so Paul would feed her a couple bites of fruit, then I would shove the chicken soup in. The results were funny. She has since gained a liking for meats. Side-note: Isn't it cute how Lucy calls me "Meeya"?

Having fun in her swing in the backyard

Here is Franny on caffeine. Just kidding, she just gets a little nuts after church. Don't we all? I apologize for my behavior. Sometimes she gets me wound up.


Amy B said...

Ella is getting so big, your blogs just remind me what I have coming! yummy paper...

Natalie said...

Dang she's cute. See you in a few weeks!

Christina said...

Amelia! Okay, so seeing you on the 34d inspired me to check your blog and catch up. Franny is so funny. Spitting out the food and then the crying everytime you put the chicken soup in her mouth is so funny. Sorry we missed you...

michelle@somedaycrafts said...


I didn't know you had a blog. Yeah! Your pictures of Frannie are so cute. I love the ones of her at the pool.

Sean said...

We love Franny! And I especially love the pool pictures. Keep the cute pictures coming!