Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Christmas! and Snow! and Cousins!

I'm finally blogging Christmas and some other events in December. We had such a great time with both of our families and so much fun with Franny and her love of cousins and parties. Here are some highlights...

It really snowed a week or two before Christmas. It was Franny's first time playing in the snow.

She was in awe of everything about it
Paul's multi-tasking because Fran wanted a ride in the stroller
Time to go in. So sad.

Horsey and Doll for Christmas

You will love the stroller Mommy bought for you!

Paul had to steal my thunder and get Franny a present that was way more fun then a Doll and stroller

Shepard and a wise man

Gutke Nativity

Gutke Cousins

Spencer cousins

2007 Spencer babies...Fran and Seb

And here they were last Christmas

Any of my friends and family know that Franny was sick from the middle of November through the first of January. It was sad, but I thought I'd capture the moments so I could appreciate the healthy times.
Like her sicky bed-head?

She had a fever over Christmas which gave her welts all over her body. It was so sad. I actually took this picture to show her doctor.

Now, some happy footage...Many of you know that Paul and I took a "Baby Sign Language" class when Franny was 6 months old. She did her first sign at 9 months. We have loved the communication we have been able to have with her and we love that she can "tell" us things that she is thinking. I won't blame you if you don't want to watch all three of these videos, but I was so excited to finally get footage of her signing. For those of you who are avid signers like me, you'll see that she has modified some of the signs to her liking.


Amy B said...

I love sign language Ella is almost there- Ella does one sign- all finished but is just starting others!

Shelby said...

Oh, Fran is so cute. Good to see some updates and I love her in her cute little snow outfit.

Natalie said...

I love the sign for apple. That was Tate's sign for drink. So cute how they do that. Good Work!

Randi said...

Ha ha! I totally found you guys! Kacie Bennet found me and then I stalked you down from there. Your baby is beautiful. Hope all is going well!

Christina said...

She is so dang cute. Her face looks so sweet in that snow hat. The sign language is amazing.

Lindsay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lindsay said...

Sorry about the deleted comment, I had a typo and I hate typos!
I love the videos of Franny signing, I had no idea she knew so many...what a smart girl! I like the picture of you forcing her to play with her stroller...that ones funny. and her sick pictures are so sad. All the pics are super cute!

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

She is so good at signing. That makes me happy!

Kathryn said...

AMAZING! Franny is adorable and soooooo smart! You have really taught her a lot of signing. I am really impressed. Aunt Kathryn